How to Fully Enjoy your Botox!

It can feel like ETERNITY waiting for your Botox to kick in. Results can begin to show during the 24-48 hours period, however, the finished look may not appear until day 14!

We want to wait for any touch ups until at least 14 days after to allow time for the full effects to be seen.

We believe in waiting a full 90 days between treatments as a resistance to neutralizing antibodies of the Onabtulinumtoxin A can occur.

Unwanted spread of the Botox can occur & we want to prevent this so here are some post procedure tips:

-While it is okay to contract your facial muscles such as smiling & frowning, it is important to avoid touching, rubbing, or wearing tight headwear as the product needs time to bind to the muscles & settle in the target areas.

– Do not exercise as this can increase the blood flow to the face causing a spread of the Botox to unwanted areas.

How long will my Botox last?

– The number of doses you receive corresponds to the duration of your Botox.

– Those who perform intense exercise regimens may have a shorter duration.

-Typically results last 90-120 days.

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